Jun 16, 2020
Re-emerging Although we are well through the first phase of the pandemic and there is relative calm we need to be prepared for the next challenge. Even if there is no second wave of infection in the autumn it will be a time when it will be much easier to see the...
Apr 23, 2020
Welcome I hope you are all keeping well at this very challenging time. One positive result from this disruption is that we are all keenly aware of the people supporting our basic existence who, if previously overlooked, are now at the forefront of our attention,...
Apr 2, 2020
Context Everyone says that we are living in unprecedented times which indeed we are. The stock market has just experienced the most rapid fall ever due to the virus and the sheer speed has been extremely unsettling for all investors. As at the date of writing the fall...
Mar 17, 2020
For more than thirty years we have invested our client’s money through the events of Black Monday (in which FTSE 100 fell by 27% over 12 days), the Dotcom bubble, the tragic events of 9/11 and war in Iraq (FTSE 100 fell by 48% over 27 months). During the Credit...
May 9, 2018
Enclosed is a document which explains how we are obliged to deal with your personal data in the future. This is an industry wide European initiative and you may already have had phone calls or letters from other financial organisations or charities confirming that...